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It should be released today

when does it come out'


2 weeks


someone please explain.

(1 edit)

Could totally be a false positive, since 60 other vendors found nothing, virustotal is good and all, but you should really grow suspicious when it's 3+ (but depending on how many there are, and what specialities the vendors focus in)

I'd say just get Jiangmin (the vendor that flagged the file) and check the on-shelf version on what it scans, if it pops-out normal, then it's just virustotal being wacky--

virustotal also uses some out-dated scanners, and they could just being flagging codes that is per se, new to them, or they're reading code off of things and misconceiving it's purpose.

Any-who, it's best to do a re-scan with the real-deal, and maybe consult with Hachet is it persists- being, the vendor could totally be flagging some arbitrary code falsely.

thanks dude i always get trust issues about adult games if they arent viruses






Are you the mc because nah, I'm a guy, or are you with this spell i summon the witch who brought it upfront and her overwhelming mana, Maeve shrunk back in fear then lulu said "stand proud Maeve, you are strong"


I think I had a stroke reading this...

Lobotomy kaisen is to much for your puny brain i see

One more day until public release!

Wait really?

(1 edit)

is this game still being made?


Yes it is still being worked on it should be updating tomorrow based off of what the creators said

ok cool, thanks

awesome game! Just an fyi y’all, there’s only 3 non-dream H scenes so far and the last one of the game is after the second Agnes quest. So don’t blue ball yourself guys lmao

how do i update while keeping my progress


(2 edits) (+1)

Whats going on with the comment section here?

Edit: Upon further examination, seriously what the fuck is going in the comments, why is so much unrelated, and why is even more of it so unhinged. I don't know how moderation works on Itch, but clearly some would be helpful here.


What the fuck is going in the comments?


Why is it so unrelated?

Because insanity.

Why is even more of it so unhinged?

Because insanity.

And because fuck you.


Fire seed?


can you even water bucket clutch on mobile?

Deleted 105 days ago

Fire seed. 🔥🔥

(2 edits) (+2)

A good game, i'll gave it 9/10 can't wait on full release.
Also may i know the name of the song that you guys use? It's actually sounded really fuckin good.


I created an account today, just to confess my darkest secret. Do not ask why I am commenting on here. I will never use this account again. I am a manipulative person, yes. That is my secret. I have crumbled friend groups and liked it. I don't feel anything. Nothing matters. I regret some things, yet my pure nature prevents me from feeling anything. It feels numb. Here's a cat:


So your just a troll?


nah, he's a cat



Бля, не знаю как вы но я чувствую себя херово от того что игра закончилась, ну на данный момент в данной версии игры :( желаю удачи разработчикам и что они не забросят проект, хотя шанс этого 0,0000000% 

Теперь вы знаете что в это поиграл русский, 14 летний подросток, по имени Константин!

Здравствуйте, Константин, я сейчас использую гугл переводчик для общения с вами, потому что я американец, которому лень изучать другой язык. Как ты думаешь, нам стоит завести больше милф (мама, я хотел бы трахнуть)?

Hi, sorry to replying at your post after 3 day's. About your question: Sure! Why not?

I can communicate with you at English language if that by more comfortable for you:)



Game is good, will buy on full release

Also all the comments for the game here are funny

Thank you


It's a fun little visual novel. I like the art style and the head bopping gives me Helltaker vibes but man it's short. Looking forward to future updates. Quick question tho, Are there any plans to add more content revolving around the elf maid? Just curious.


There could be in the next update which is coming out on the 21st


Realizing there is a kinky path in here


amazing job with the crop


Is there any chance of getting a pregnancy sence or babies making scene?


What the heck


What is the matter all ask was just a question about the game you'll don't have to be rude about it jee make me look like crap



Does anyone have any self control on topic with general questions jee so immature


well, thank you very much. I'm gonna continue being "immature" by not wanting "baby making scene" what does that even mean?


indulge in the baby making scene


isn't that just sex with extra steps?


Bro get out of here


U first 

Deleted 204 days ago

yeah something wrong with you

By chance, do you have a birthing kink(by complete chance, of course)?

Thats strange not gonna li

Deleted 206 days ago

Wtf dude

by any chance is lulu content in the plans for next release


Na versão 0.4.2 tem algo mais pra fazer depois que toma banho com a diretora depois que eu tomei banho com ela não tô achando mais nada pra fazer no jogo


Fr bro 🔥🔥🔥🔥 spit your shit unc! You tell’em! 👉👉🗣️


do you even know what they just said


no that’s what makes it funny


you gave no hint on it being funny


it is not that deep bro


Who hurt you

Eu acredito que a mensagem mostrada após a cena de sexo de Agnes diz que a paz final do conteúdo é uma missão cortada que você está descrevendo. Desculpe, amigo, fim do caminho.


To whoever dowvoted ALL of my comments: I’m gonna fucking PEG y’all RAW


k when






something was off with your username now i know why.


Dear mentally challenged. Just go to the settings and lower the difficulty - Master Oogway


you realized this comment is a joke right



Whose bed?

(1 edit) (-3)

60 downvotes is actually outrageous




when will the update be available?



twenty firth hehe


Hey i just started playing and I'm really liking the game so far but i had to stop and comment because of a really distracting grammar mistake. I'm not exactly a grammar nazi or anything but this was just a bit too much. (I'm autistic and a student of linguistics btw so forgive my stimming). The middle English/early modern English "thou" is a subject like I or he, it's also singular. At one point lulu says something to the effect of (this is non-spoiler btw) "is miss Liz with thou". Here she is addressing two persons whom are the subject of the sentence and should therefore use "you", as in ME, EME, and modern English this is the correct word. Your writing is really well-done and this isn't a super serious critique or anything but i just wanted to point out a little problem with it.

Lil guide for making your English sound a little bit old-fashioned:

Thou: Singular 2nd person nominative
Thee: Singular 2nd person accusative/dative
Ye: Plural 2nd person nominative
You: Plural 2nd person accusative/dative

Thy/My: used before words that don't start with a vowel sound (thy sword and my shield)
Thine/Mine: used before words that start with a vowel sound (thine arm and mine eye)

This concludes my extremely unnecessary and autistic rambling about a game I otherwise enjoy a lot and plan to support in the future.


Nah... I'm not gonna reading that


Then why even comment


i ain't readin allat


let Lulu make grammar mistakes while trying to sound smart, it fits her character if it's wrong. 




Last chrizzmaz!🎄🎅 I gave you my GYATT! 😩 But the very next day… it got FANUM TAXED! 😢 This year, to save me from MEWING! 🔥 I’ll give it to someone RIZZFUL! 🗣️

(1 edit) (+20)

watch your word lil bro😭😭🙏🙏 because the cock is looking👀for you🐔🐔🐔keep the cheeks tight🙏🙏👾👾🎅🏿🎅🏿


:0 🖕👈


Came back after a month of waiting and im pretty happy the fanbase is slowly growing more and more


What would the population of the magic realm do to the MC if the spell stops working?


peobably fuck him to dead


Depends on who finds him first like if its a person like Celine then he would die in a test tube


I legitimately tried to think of who is downing his dick first, but his best option is suicide. Don't wanna know what kinks those girls have. I'm just here for momm- I mean Maeve.


i cant get over the fact that mc has a triangle ass calf, please fix it

SOMEONE ELSE FUCKING NOTICED. Sculpted calves, hardened abs, fuck, I might be gay. 

what did the markers do Dx


just started playing and finished it look really good so far. keep up the wondaful work.



most sane?.... oh geez

the bar is prefixed on the bare minimum, the heck is this a challenge run?


too many complicated words


Yall got toast in there


no, but we got 6’4 lady here



(2 edits) (+3)

group hallucinations

(2 edits) (+16)

Ok just clarifying the game's not cancelled LOL

Adam's just kidding but I am not so sure of how obvious it is (we can always stop at the first words of the comment) and I don't want misunderstandings.

So, yup! We are doing our best to release it at 10th of this month for Patreon and 21th to public.

Stay tuned!

ily hatchet

Stay tuned@_@

best christmas gift



I have no idea who is thinking that the game is canceled but thanks for letting us know the release dates!

The small chance of it releasing on the 10th would actually be a great bday gift

Your game has done more to my dick than what any girl ever could. More Maeve, please.

bro please its 23th

This quite sad I honestly liked it alot

Deleted post
Deleted post

thank god (this game sucked anyway, FUCK YOU HATCHET AND YOUR MARKERS GRRRRRRR)


Easy guys, don't down-vote our friend here. He's joking having in mind an incident with a random discord user in the HG server. Context in this Screen-shot:


what did the marker do


nooooo the marker :(


this u:

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