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(5 edits) (+6)(-1)

yep, definitely will buy its full release. But, there's no any flat chest which I would love to see, the one that doesn't look hanging out but just some little fats on the chest, you know; or like, one of best combination ever, thick thighs and a smooth rub-able-looking cardboard chest, ever planned to have those?




You know what? Boobs are boobs and we deserve all types of boobs. 


Flat ones are great, big ones are great, boobs are always great. Have them all!




I really didn’t like the new design of Maeve's, if before she looks cute and attractive leisurely, now she looks like a faded doll

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm ready to pay for the game if Russian language is added. I'm sure the story is interesting, but with my level of English I perceive 40%.


I can't belive i forget dahlia exist

Is it bad that i never seen dahlia before

Same, forgot dahlia exist

Listen, Arthur is a g compared to most protags. He is no simp. 

Hey if you're looking for VA's for the future a talented voice actor I know is oolay tiger if you havent heard of her she does voices for alot of nsfw animations and for requests.


This game has been and still is one of (if not) my favourite game/s, never have i ever played a game where the characters feel so alive and unique to their own personality, 11/10 SUPPORT THE GAME!


as long if you have spare money. (im broke as shit)


A little upset there isn't a maeve scene yet but other than that Iove the uopdate 

saving the best for last.


I've been playing it for a couple versions by now, and I absolutely love the art style, right now I'm just starting, tho I think I found a writing error, right in the first night, Annie refers to the MC as a miss, even though she has already seen him before the illusion spell was casted, maybe someone else has already posted it, or maybe there's something that I'm missing, but It feels off to me


Thanks for your work. The game now is very short, but that's only for now. I glad to hear that from now on game will be developed faster) That was small cozy (mostly) adventure (with awful cliffhanger for me, I'm not used to on-goings, and I'd be way more calm if game would end 1 scene earlier), and I liked it. Sad that I can't donate even a cent now, but I can't do anything about it either. Anyway, again, thanks for work, and I guess I'll see you again in four months)) Hope that I'll forget everything about that game in those months just so I can experience it frome 0 once again))) Thanks.




will be there a possibility to download older versions? (by that, I mean the 1.0 because I have every other lel) I want to see how it looked like in the "old" days

I got a copy of it because I was thinking the same thing. If you can find a way for me to share the file with you, I can get it to you.

(1 edit) (+8)

Alright everyone welcome back to Trashbag rates things volume number 4369. Today I will be rating the 0.5.2 update of Maeves academy. A few things to point out that I'm not going to rate it harshly due for the game being in beta stages which seems reasonable for the game to have flaws as the time of speaking , now is time to see the how I will he rating it. I will be rating it in the good old "TrashMeter" which goes up to 1 to 10 levels, the one being absolutely garbage I don't want to see it never in my life and the ten being the best thing I ever saw since my mother gave birth to me. Now time to rate it, overall the designs of Maeve and Lilith are quite good, I can now clearly see the living hell out of the depression Lilith has and Maeve now looks like a mommy which is really good. The new scenes and everything overall pretty interesting... I really felt the way Agnes did the chimichanga on herself in that scene and it's really "interesting" overall. So the new scenes are pretty good in my eyes... Now the interactions you can have between characters is a good thing since the last update didn't have such things yet and I really like for us to see that you can have conversations with these characters (and i can see you guys are really planning to spice things up a by adding flattering and other stuff). Overall pretty good, now time to move on to the bad stuff. Alright first of all, FOUR MONTHS- MY GOD THE WAITING KJJSKKDJSJDJSJXJJSJDJDJZJAOSOXKSKSKKSKSKS... yeah the waiting for the next updates kinda suck triceratops peepee,  so in the end it's kinda irritating to wait but its just a minor complain I have. Now, another problem I is the lack of pu- I mean the lack of lore, I wanna see how the universe expands and explains the many situations this world has like the elves, machines and crap, and how come there are only girls in the magic realm. There's got to be an explanation right...? Or maybe there isn't and I'm just being paranoid or something which reminds of the voices in my head I always have at night... Or maybe that's just the children in my basement (it's a joke chill). Anyways all jokes aside, I don't have any other complains aside from the glitches and the game lacking pu- I mean story. So in the TrashMeter, I will rate it for now a 7.34. overall I can see the potential I'm this game and I can see alot of work has put into it, so for right now it's ok, but it needs more work and time which I know you guys are able to give it to the game. In conclusion, that everything I need to say for now... I know... Not that much, after all this game is in beta so I will just give it time 

w review + funny


this MIGHT be Penguinz0 aka Moist critikal aka Cr1TiKaL aka Charlie


I loved the game, I wanted to know if you would consider translating it into Portuguese because I'm from Brazil and unfortunately I don't speak English very well so I can't understand the whole game... And I believe that here in Brazil there are also a lot of people who liked the game

(1 edit) (+5)

The game is definitely amazing, i'd say it has huge potential, and the new update is fire. But in my opinion, old Maeve's design is better.


The game shows potential. The art is kinda cute, the story is very lightweight and more wholesome/comedy focused which is a breath of fresh air, and each character feels unique and charming. I can definitely see myself enjoying a full playthrough once it's finished. 

That being said, it needs a lot of development to really shine, as it's on the shorter side on the moment. The progression is very linear and there is little interactivity, although the groundwork for increasing it has been laid so I'm holding my hopes up. It could also do with a heavy revision on grammar and typos, I was constantly finding little mistakes or spaces for improvement. Speaking of writing, Lilith sounds way too cheerful in some parts, specially in the introduction, which contrasts with her appearance: the use of exclamations and chuckles don't make much sense when her sprite never smiles and just looks tired all the time, I think her dialogue should reflect this better, maybe end more sentences with "..." and adding a yawn or two (as her sprite actually does), as well as removing several exclamation marks to make her speak in a more calm manner. 

Something else I noticed was a severe lack of music. 90% of my time I spent it in silence, and my volume was not the issue. There is a lack of ambience, with only ocassional quirky tones in very specific comedic moments. This could be either a bug preventing the tracks to be played, or a straight lack of said tracks altogether, but either way it's something that should be noted and fixed. 

Another thing I found a little annoying (but this might be just on my end) is the resolution doesn't work well with the mobile version. Most borders are cropped and some character names get cut, showing only the latter half of it. Quests' text gets jumbled around and is hard to read sometimes as well. I wouldn't say my phone's screen is precisely small, but it seemed as if the game was only optimized for bigger resolutions.

All in all, I think this game deserves some time to be polished, as well as enough attention to be on people's radar. It is clearly on early stages of development but current state would make for a fine Demo, should it in the future be locked behind a paywall. 


I am sad to realize that I will have to wait another 4 months


there have a text error here

cause this edition is not lilith

Deleted 161 days ago

I have played v0.4.2 and it was nice but I would comment a bit if you'd like, I hope it can help improve your game.

I like the style and while it is cartoony it has a charm to it.

The world feels quite empty, and the lack of interactions except for quests is a shame. Maybe its part of the Theme where the witch world is empty but its also not very fun as a player.

I loved that you can cast a spell and an oopsy happens but after that there are no more spells. So I hope you can incorporate more of what you learn into the world, have situations be solved using a spell you learnt or a different route, but give me the choice to feel as a powerful witch that you say that I am.

I also feel there is not enough "lewd" interactions. There were a number of situations where a small lewd scene could have been a nice pace break but alas it was only more and more text.

I think good example of what an adult game should be like is Aurelia where the story vs scene is a very good mix.

I hope this was of any help and I wish for you to have a massive success :)

Thing to remember:

Lust ruins shit. Destruction pairs very well with lust. While yes, there is a lack of sex in the game, it needs to be properly balanced out. 

Sorry, I didn't understand what you meant in the beginning of your reply.


Late, but I'm here.

If it's all sex, we miss out on hand-holding and other wholesome shit. It just gets to a point where depravity takes over. I'm here cause I wanna take cute witches and dates and make them blush and shit. 

I wholesomely agree and that was a nice and heart warming surprise and I really liked it (especially in the previous story line).
It is still an "adult game" though, and I didn't mean for it to be "all sex", just a bit more lewd fun. 
They are witches (witches are usually known about primal carnal pleasures at the full moon) so it wouldn't be farfetched for a guy/man to be in a lot of situations where for them its just "female body" and for him would be "exciting".


love the game so far but i noticed that when i rewatched the scene with agnes it sent me back in time as if i haven't completed the all the quests yet and crashed my game.

it didn't do much but i think it's important to share if it hasn't been brought to your attention yet 


amazing update.

I love the new intro and the new designs of Lilith and Maeve

the new content and stuff made the waiting worth it.

also, seeing Lilith box with a fish because it laughed at her was amazing. keep doing these 

(Maeve literally became a mommy and I love it xd)

Nice boy nice


I want to do more with DR Celine


what happened to ms maeve and lilith:<

(1 edit) (+1)

are we gonna get protagonist customization too or just the girls I'd love to make the character look more like me or anyone else maybe even adding some clothes you can buy from the tailor 


nah but we can watch lilith fight a fish.


miss Lillith fighting the giant fish is the best scene in the whole game 


This update make me think the idea of maeve's academy multiverse

Deleted 167 days ago

agnes best girl






I'm playing games on my phone rn. Ima hop on in a minute. btw how much dialogue was changed, so I know what to skip.


Beat the new stuff and loved the new stuff. Keep it up guys your crushing it


I have no comments, only great pleasure to play this precious game, that you made. I hope you don't drop it!

in the previous update i remember seeing certain lines that i was pretty sure was being said by the wrong person, and i have just started playing the new update and im pretty sure Arthur was supposed to say "i hope i didn't disappoint you, i guess." in response to the previous line, but it says ms. maeve above it. I only just started the latest update, and i thought i should post about this.


Honestly I prefer the old Maeve and Lilith they feel more interesting and likable but still love your game

It was a large character change and I'm still trying to figure out if it works. Maeve kinda changed into a nervous, overprotective mother figure, which is different from her serene and composed character from 4.2. And Lilith is just really standoff-ish now. 

do i need to re install it ?

i also see ghost annie for  some reason


This is a one issue with old saves!

No i had the same thing and this was the only instance of ggost annie

(8 edits) (+4)

Okay, I finished playing the update in just one sitting, I came to give some of my opinions on it.

Well, starting off, I wanted to say that I loved the new intro, I like it better than the old one, showing a bit of Arthur's and Jade's past really adds an extra layer to their characters and to their relationship, I also liked that it was even explained why Annie was there at that moment.

Now, for the characters, Maeve's redesign is awesome, I really liked it, there's not much to add, she hasn't changed much, Lilith improved a lot, not just for the sprites, but for the personality, she's still a silly sleepy teacher, but now she shows herself to be responsible and even serious as you would expect someone with a position like her to be, I still love Jade, I liked the new scenes with Annie, they are very cute and suit her character, Celine is still my favorite, Agnes' personality really makes me very interested in her whole character and I liked her new interactions, Lulu and Elizabeth still need to be explored a little, about Elena, I don't really have an opinion on her yet, she definitely looks interesting, but I'll wait a bit to form my opinion.

One small thing that I noticed is the fact that due to this sudden change in the storyline, many of the texts ended up being very inconsistent, for example, the old intro is still mentioned a few times, with Lilith being mentioned being there even though she's only introduced in the academy now, that's pretty easy to ignore for me, but people who just found the game may have a hard time trying to connect the pieces together, the dialog from this period may need a revision.

Regarding the new interaction options, wonderful, you guys are really heading towards the "sandbox visual novel" path you wanted, I'm curious about what are y'all going to do with this in the future.

The game still suffers from a small problem that I mentioned in my other comment here, which is the fact that it is very silent, especially in specific parts, such as in some events from 4.2, but that can be solved easily and it isn't a major problem.

I think that's all, I see that the wait was worth it, I'll be eagerly awaiting the next update.



The return of the king


I had a long day yesterday. I fell asleep right after I saw the update wasn't out yet. Sorry y'all, I failed.


God damn it, I fell asleep twenty minutes before the update.

Thank you for this beautiful game! And thanks to the community for making this waiting experience one of the best that I had on Itchio. You are the most insane people I've seen, please never change


Haven't made much progress rereading the text, so I still have all the new content ahead

I don't know if I like the new intro, I miss a lot of scenes from it, wish there was that one art with younger Jade smiling; but I do like that the relationship between Arthur and Jade are kinda less complicated now. The text also still mentions the old intro when you talk to Annie at the plaza.


Loving practically everything so far. Though this might be a bit nitpicky, I'm not sure if I'm a fan of the slight lipstick on Maeve's new design. It's, admittedly, a very minor detail. I just think it clashes with the style of every other character, given they lack that detail. A very minor pet peeve for a very nice update.

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